Can you tell me when you will have the stems back in stock?
I have been checking regularly, but each time it shows *stock.
I am interested in the 26 * 90mm version.
Many thanks.
by doll Sun Sep 14, 2008
Thanks for your message. We will soon be taking stock of the next generation eXotic MatrixII stems. Hopefully within the next 2-4 weeks. This includes a 25.4 90mm carbon model suitable for MTB plus 80mm and 60mm lengths in normal and oversize.
Best Regards
by support Mon Sep 15, 2008
WHERE ARE THE STEMS? The year's almost out and the stock has not been filled!
by nazaright Sun Oct 19, 2008
I have been checking into this.
We have the following stock available to purchase now.
Matrix II
CC-M0809 31.8, 90mm Carbon Center Wrap, 6061
Matrix F
CC-M1306 25.4, 60mm Full Carbon Wrap, 2014
CC-M1308 25.4, 80mm Full Carbon Wrap, 2014
CC-M1406 31.8, 60mm Full Carbon Wrap, 2014
CC-M1408 31.8, 80mm Full Carbon Wrap, 2014
The web site has not been updated yet, so if you're interested in any of the above please let me know.
by support Tue Oct 21, 2008
Thank YOU! My choices would be one of these:
(First Choice) CC-M1306 25.4, 60mm Full Carbon Wrap, 2014 (Second Choice) CC-M1106 25.4, 60mm Alloy 2014 Here's my email address: [email protected]
Thanks for you effort.
by nazaright Wed Oct 22, 2008
Thanks for your message. It sounds like you didn't get my email. RRP price on CC-M1306 is 100 USD / 60 GBP. For CC-M1106 40 USD / 25 GBP. You're right the web site still hasn't been updated.