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Another great result for Julio Garv�a Honrado (Garv�a Bike)
DiscoBrakes and CarbonCycles supported marathon powerhouse Julio Garv�a Honrado from Garv�a Bike added another great result to his 2017 tally by securing a 2nd position at the 60km long �MTB Marathon of San Martin Pusa (Toledo)�.

His CarbonCycles equipment help to keep his bike light and comfortable while his DiscoBrakes pads and rotors give him maximum braking performance in all conditions.

Well done from everybody at DiscoBrakes and CarbonCycles!

by Mikethebike     Wed Aug 02, 2017

Our Spanish marathon racer Julio Garv�a Honrado from Garv�a Bike (supported by DiscoBrakes and CarbonCycles Components) continues his strong and consistent season with another great result at the race in Valdeganga (Cuenca).

However, this time he had a few challenges thrown in front of him. 'I fell down and lost a lot of time repairing my bike, however, step by step, I could overcome this drawback finishing in 2nd position in our category.'

Great fighting spirit!

Well done from everybody at DiscoBrakes and CarbonCycles!

by Mikethebike     Wed Aug 09, 2017

First success for DiscoBrakes Brakes and CarbonCycles powered Garv�a Bike. The team managed to secure the first podium of the season in Cuenca. The tough XCM race was held on a fantastic course which challenged the endurance and power side as much as it did the technical riding skills.

Congratulations to the team to their 3rd position and good luck for the next race.

by Mikethebike     Fri Mar 02, 2018

Some more results and race action from DiscoBrakes and CarbonCycles powered Garv�a Bike. A 1st position in the Master 35 category at the Ciudad Real MTB Open.

The tough and rocky course was made even tougher by bad weather and muddy conditions but fantastic bike control and reliable equipment once again helped to achieve this great result.

Congratulations from everybody at DiscoBrakes and CarbonCycles.

by Mikethebike     Sun Mar 18, 2018

CarbonCycles and Discobrakes powered marathon and cross country racer Garv�a Bike added another great early season result to his 2018 tally.

Last Saturday saw the 1st race if the Iron Bike Series Championship which took place in wet and cold conditions which made the 100km long course extra challenging. The conditions were so extreme, that only 35% of the field managed to finish the race.

However, Garv�a Bike secured a fantastic 2nd place in the Master 35 category. Congratulations!

by Mikethebike     Tue Apr 10, 2018

Another great early season for Discobrakes.com and CarbonCycles powered xc and marathon specialist Garv�a Bike.

Julio managed to secure the top spot on the podium at the Burgohondo MTB marathon - a tough and technically difficult 62km long race with 1200m of climbing where keeping your bike under perfect control on the technical parts was as equally important as having strong legs on the climb.

Congratulations Garv�a Bike.

by Mikethebike     Fri Apr 20, 2018

Another great result for DiscoBrakes and CarbonCycles supported marathon powerhouse Garv�a Bike in the 101km long (3800 meters of climbing) - Peregrinos.

Most of Garv�a's training has been focused on this event which makes the win in his category and a 3rd over-all position even sweeter.

Congratulations from everybody at DiscoBrakes and CarbonCycles.

by Mikethebike     Mon Apr 30, 2018

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