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Carbon Steerer Installation and care
Hi there!

Interested in a carbon fork for my 29er and am currently torn between the full carbon monocoque (CC-F0P90) and carbon stanchion (CC-F0F90) versions.

Having watched some horror youtube videos on carbon steerers (I know bad idea!) I am a bit unsure on the idea of these.

Could you answer a few questions below relating to install and provide any other info that might set my mind at ease?

- Recommended torque for the expansion plug, top cap and stem bolts?

- advice on whether it is still recommended to have the steerer cut 2-3mm below top of stem to allow the expansion plug to engage?

- Recommendation for the use of, or non use of, grease for the headset in the context of a carbon steerer. and following on from that, any recommendations for the use of carbon paste for any part of install?

- any other do's and dont's to ensure longevity?

Any help would be much appreciated!

by randall.ljr1     Thu Feb 04, 2021

Thanks for your message.

CarbonCycles carbon steerers are a light weight�super stiff and strong alternative to alloy or chromoly�for discerning�riders looking for better performance from a lighter ride. One of the�advantages of buying from CarbonCycles is that you're guaranteed a great�product backed up by a no nonsense Fair Play warranty�that even covers racing.�

CarbonCycles steerers are a high end option and so, as is often the case with top end components, you do need to be a little more careful than with bulkier�alternatives.�

In particular, don't use a starnut with carbon steerers, only an expanding wedge top cap. We recommend CC-E04�

When installing the expanding wedge top cap ensure that the compression plug part sits squarely in the centre of the clamping area of the stem and tighten the top cap to 4-5 Newtons. As is normal for any steerer, while tightening the top cap you need to ensure there's no play in the headset stack before tightening to the recommended torque. You can do this by holding the front brake and rocking the bike gently backwards and forwards, with the other hand on the headset area to ensure there is no lateral�movement in the headset/spacer stack (this isolates headset play from front brake calliper play). At 5 Newtons steering should not be impeded, but it can depend on wear on the bearings and the headset being used, so adjust accordingly and loosen off or replace bearings if necessary. When tightening the stem bolts do not fully tighten one bolt and then fully tighten the other bolt, instead tighten one a little and then the next a little, alternating between the 2 bolts until both reach 7 Nm.

For any carbon steerer we would recommend cutting 2mm above the top of the stem and using one 5mm spacer above the stem to ensure maximum stem clamping efficiency; although we know many customers do cut the steerer 2-3mm below the stem to give a flush finish and we have not heard of any issues with that.

Grease can be used for the headset and the�bolt in the compression nut. There is no need to use carbon paste.�

Finally when cutting the steerer tube, measure thrice and cut once!

by support     Thu Feb 11, 2021

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